Award of Contract
S.N. Tender No Tender Name Awarded to Contract Amount Remarks
46 CP-02 and RFP-PMD/ATKTSD/075/76-02 Consulting Services for Engineering and Environmental Study of Budhigandaki Corridor (Philim-Gumda-Ratamate) 400 kV Transmission Line and 132 kV Dailekh-Kalikot - Jumla and Lamoshangu – Kavre/Ramechhap Transmission Line and Associated Subst M/S Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (India) in association with Jade Consult Pvt. Ltd. (Nepal) USD 1,334,228.54 plus NPR 92,836,330.00 (excluding VAT)

Award of Contract

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1. Award of Contract
47 CP-03 and RFP-PMD/ATKTSD/075/76-03 Consulting Services for Engineering and Environmental Study of Damauli - Kusma – Burtibang - Bafikot 400 kV Transmission Line and Associated Substations M/S Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (India) in association with Jade Consult Pvt. Ltd. (Nepal) USD 1,227,891.42 plus NPR 79,956,520.00 (excluding VAT)

Award of Contract

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1. Award of Contract
48 ICB/PMD/KGTCP-073/74-02 Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Nnw Butwal-BArdaghat 220kV Double Circuit Transmission Line M/S POWERCHINA SEPCO1 ELECRICAL POWER CONSTRUCTION Co., Ltd, China USD 4,150,664.40 and NRs 171,382,074.87 including insurance, clearing, forwarding and transportation to site excluding custom duty and Taxes

Notifications of Award

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49 PMD/PTDEEP/KVSAP–075/76 – 01 Procurement of Plant for Design, Supply, Installation, Integration, Testing and Commissioning of Substation Automation System (SAS) for Existing Grid Substations In Kathmandu Valley GE T&D India Ltd INR 319,071,206.00 and NPR 79,958,886.00

As in attached document

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1. Award Document
50 DSUEP/CS/QCBS-01 Consultancy Services for the Distribution System Planning, Feasibility Study, Detail Engineering Design and Environmental & Social Scoping Study Feedback Infra Private Limited Price as read out USD 142,552 (excluding VAT) Evaluated Price NRs 16,273,736.32 (excluding VAT) Negotiated Price USD 142,552 (excluding VAT)

Notification of Award

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1. Notification Award
51 PMD/PTDEEP/KVCNDSEP–074/75 - 01 (Re) Kathmandu Valley Central and Northern Distribution System Enhancement Project KEI Industries, India 25,481,766.40 USD (1,016,972,066.26 NRs) without tax and duties

Notification of Award

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1. Notifications of Award
52 PMD/PTDEEP/KVESDSEP–074/75 - 01 (Re) Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Underground Distribution Network under Ratnapark Distribution Center including Reinforcement and Automation KEI Industries Ltd USD 22,892,095.39 (NRs 831,487,259.19) Excluding Tax, Duties and Vat

Notification of Award

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1. Notifications of Award
53 ICB/PMD/MCTLP/017/18-01 Design Supply Installation and Commissioning of Udipur Substation and New Bharatpur Substation Marsyangdi Corridor 220 KV Transmission Line Project CNY 116,560,920.60 and NRS. 655,527,173.71 (Without Taxes and VAT)

As Per the attachment

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1. Notification of Award
54 IFB No. HDI/ICB/GIS/HTD-INA Procurement of Plant Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 400 kV Hetauda and Inaruwa Substations SIEMENS Ltd., India USD28,415,660.91 and NRS 421,643,119.02 ( Excluding Custom duties and VAT)

Notification of Award

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1. Notification of Award
55 NIETTP/W/ICB-3/SS Procurement of Plant, Design, Supply and Installation of 220/132 kV Hetauda and Inaruwa Substations M/S Consortium of Siemens Ltd and Telmos Electronics USD 4,940,660.81 , INR 383,153,182.72 , NPR 84,873,674.54 (Including VAT and Custom Duties)

Notification of Award

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1. Notification of Award
56 ICB-PMD-DSAEP- 074/75-01-Tanahu Rural Electrification and Distribution Network Improvement in Tanahu District. East India Udyog Ltd, India /Waiba Infratech Pvt. Ltd., Nepal JV USD 6,153,207.09 & NPR 148,831,967.42

Notification of Award

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1. Notice
57 KOSHI/NEA/KC-2 Procurement of Plant Design, Supply, Installation, Testing And Commissioning of 220 kV Substations at Inaruwa, Basantapur, Baneshwar and Tumlingtar M/s Larsen & Toubro Limited, L&T construction power Transmission & Distribution Mount Poonamallee Road, Manapakkam, p.B.No. 979, Chennai-600 0Bg, India. Tel: +91-44-2270 4000, 2270 5000; Fax: +91-44-2270 5482,2270 5494 Kind Attn: Mr. USD 25,305,589.24 without VAT

Notification of Award

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1. Notification of Award
58 ML/SS/074/75-01 Procurement of Plant Design, Supply and Installation of Laha Chowk 132 kV Substation, New Modi 132 kV Switching Station and 132 kV Line Bay expansion at Lekhnath Substation ABB India Limited, 21st Floor, World Trade Center, Brigade Gateway, No: 2611, Dr. Raj Kumar Road, Mallasewaram West, Bangalore (India) USD 6,474,067.37 excluding taxes and duties

Notification of Award

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1. Notification of Award
59 New Butwal- Kohalpur-Surkhet- Upper Karnali 400 kV Transmission Line Project Consulting Services for Engineering and Environmental Study of Kohalpur-Surkhet-Upper Karnali 400 kV Transmission Line and Kohalpur-New Butwal 400 kV Transmission Line M/S ELC Electroconsult S. P.A., Italy US $ 1,377,206.53 & NPR 8,60,05,419.50 (excluding VAT)

Notice of Award

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1. Notice of Award
60 CHSAT/NCB/074/75-01 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Chameliya-Syaule-Attariya 132 kV Second Circuit Transmission Line M/S Sigma Con. (P.) Ltd. 111/19 Meteri Marg, Baneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: 01- 4473291/4495894 Fax: 01-4495031 NRs. 30,92,96,650.00 (In words Thirty Crore Ninety Two Lakh Ninety Six Thousand Six Hundred Fifty only)

Notice for Intent TL

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