Award of Contract
S.N. Tender No Tender Name Awarded to Contract Amount Remarks
31 PMD/EGMPAF/ADSP-078/79-01 Desing, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 132/33/11 KV Air Insulated Substation at Dumkibas, Binayi Triveni Rural Municipality, Nawalparasi (Bardaghat-Susta East) District (Package A-4) Godrej & Boyce Co. Ltd INR 367,178,218.00, NPR 267,268,053.60 & USD 6,750.00

Notice of Intention of Award

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1. Notice of Intention of Award
32 NEA-PMD-KVESDSEP-2078/079-01 Supply and Delivery of Steel Telescopic Pole Mainawati-Bhagwati JV NRs 20,97,56,000.00

Notice of Award of Contract

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1. Notice of Award of Contract
33 PMD/EGMP/TLUP-077/78-01 (RE) Procurement of Plant for Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 132kV Transmission Line Conductor Upgrading HG Power Transmission SDN BHD, Malaysia US 14,565,730.37 & NRs 115,583,160.00

Notice of Intention of Award of Contract

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1. Notice of Intention of Award of Contract
34 077/78-EGMP-F1, 077/78-EGMP-F2, 077/78-EGMP-F3 Consulting Services of Various National Experts under the Electricity Grid Modernization Project 077/78-EGMP-F1 : Mrs Kalpana Pradhan, Kupondol, Lalitpur, MC-1 077/78-EGMP-F1 : Mr. Puspa Raj Wagle, Vyas Municipality-1, Tanahu 077/78-EGMP-F1 : Mr. Navaraj Pokharel, Prabat, Gandaki Province 077/78-EGMP-F1 : 6,807,55.38 NRS 077/78-EGMP-F2 : 6,807,55.38 NRS 077/78-EGMP-F3 : 6,807,55.38 NRS

Notice of Award of Contract

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35 RFP No.: PSC-EGMP-077/78 Selection of Consulting Services for Project Supervision Consultant for Electricity Grid Modernization Project Tractebel Engineering Pvt Ltd, Intec House 37, Institutional Area, Sector 44, Gurgaon 122 002 (Haryana), India USD 808,684.40 NRs. 84,760,000.00 exclusive of local indirect taxes

Notice of Award of Contract

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1. Notice of Award of Contract
36 PMD/PTDSSP/PBDSRP-077/78-01 Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Underground Distribution Network under Pokhara and Bharatpur Distribution Center including Reinforcement and Automation. Tata Projects Limited NRs 496,831,899.80 USD 16,720,851.62

Award of Contract

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1. Award of Contract
37 PMD/EGMP/DCC-077/78-01 Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Distribution Command and Control Centre Yantai Dongfang Wisdom Electric Co. Ltd.No. 6, JinDu Road, LaiShan District Yantai City ShanDong Province, P. R. China Zip Code: 264003 USD 10,139,547.60 & NRs 183,112,270.34

This is to notify you of our intention to award the contract OCB No. PMD/EGMP/DCC-077/78-01. You have 7 days, from the issued date (Sunday, 16 May 2021) of this notification to

  1. Request for a debriefing in relation to evaluation of your Bid, and/or
  2. Submit a bidding-related complaint in relation to the intention for award of contract, in accordance with the procedures specified in ITB 47.1.
Supportive Docs :
1. Notice of Intention for Award of Contract
38 ICB/DCSD-076/77-04 Supply and Delivery of Steel Telescopic Poles Mainawati-Bhagawati JV, Basantapur Kathmandu, Nepal 276850000

Notification of award

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1. Notification of Contract Agreement
39 ICB-PMD-REDNRP-076/77-1 (Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4 and Lot 5) Rural Electrification and Distribution Network Improvement in Province No. 2 Tata Projects Limited Lot1 : USD 3,678,815.91 NPR 451,938,824.29 Lot 2: USD 6,090,809.55 NPR 541,488,862.83 Lot 3: USD 4,298,521.42 NPR 242,259,344.54 Lot 4: USD 5,555,164.83 NPR 305,213,866.20 Lot 5: USD 5,388,546.65 NPR 295,305,395.70

Notice of Intention for Award

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1. Award Document
40 ICB-PMD-MKTLP-076/77-02 Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 220kV Air insulated Substation (AIS) in Matatirtha, Kathmandu and 220kV Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) in Markichowk, Marsyangdi China Machinery Engineering Corporation NRs. 766,300,122.00 (excluding Tax, Duties and VAT)

Notification of Award

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1. Notification of Award
41 NIETTP/G/ICB-5/TRANS Procurement of Plant Design, Supply and Installation of Power Transformer and Reactor for Hetauda & Inaruwa Substation TBEA Energy (India) Pvt Ltd 4,989,800.23 USD

Notifications of Award

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1. Notification of Award
42 NCB-REIP-SDC-2019-01 Rasuwa Nuwakot Distribution System Reconstruction and Improvement Project M/s. Dhilikhel Nirman Sewa Pvt Ltd, Nepal NRs. 78,058,835.45 (without Taxes and VAT)

Notifications of Award

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1. Notification of Award
43 PSRSHDP/CS/QCBS-01 Notice for Award of Contract for Asset Verification and Valuation in Nepal Electricity Authority (AVNEA) Deloitte Toouche Tohmatsu India LLP (DTTHLLP), India USD 744,796,00 (United States Dollar Seven Hundred Fourty Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Six only) and NPR 81,679,790.00 (Nepalese Rupees Eighty one Million Six Hundred Seventy Nine Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety only) Inclusive of VAT.

Notice of Award

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1. Notice for Award
44 ICB-REIP-REC-2019-01 Design, Supply and Installation of Electrification Component consisting of 33/11kV New Substations and associated 33kV, 11kV and 0.4kV Lines Waiba Infratech Pvt Ltd, Kathmandu, Nepal USD 2,063,498.28 and NRs 317,696,213.59 (Excluding custom duties and VAT)

Notice of Award

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1. Notice of Award
45 CP-01 and RFP-PMD/ATKTSD/075/76-01 Consulting Services for Engineering and Environmental Study of Tingla Hub – Likhu Hub - New Khimti – Sunkoshi Hub – Dhalkebar 400 kV Transmission Line and Associated Substations M/S Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (India) in association with Jade Consult Pvt. Ltd. (Nepal) USD 1,295,240.45 plus NPR 75,797,605.00 (excluding VAT)

Notifications of Award of Contract

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1. Award of Contract
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