S.N. | Tender No | Tender Name | Company | Status | Remarks |
1 | NEA/PMD/NBLTL/VEC(RE)-2081/082-01 | Procurement Supply delivery of Two number of Motorcycle for New Butwal-Lamahi 400Kv TLP | New Butwal Lamahi 400kV TLP |
Supportive Docs :1. Notification Of Award |
2 | IC | ICB-SEPP-EPC-SOLAR-01/2024-KfW-BMZ-PN511010 | SOLAR ENERGY PROMOTION PROJECT | BID OPENING NOTICE Supportive Docs :1. Bid Opening Notice |
3 | RFP/SOLAR/NEAPTD/2024-01 | Selection of Developers for setting up of Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Projects in Nepal through tariff-based National Competitive Bidding process | Power Trade Department | Power Trade Department Supportive Docs :1. Notice 2. Correction Notice 3. Correction Notice 4. Notice of Intent to Award Solar Projects |
4 | RFP/SOLAR/NEAPTD/2024-01 | Selection of Developers for setting up of Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Projects in Nepal through tariff-based National Competitive Bidding process | Power Trade Department | Power Trade Department Supportive Docs :1. Notice of Price Bid Opening |
5 | NEA/PMD/NBLTL/NCB/VEH-02 | Supply and Delivery of Four-Wheel Drive Pick-Up Vehicle | M/S Agni Incorporated Pvt. Ltd. Panipokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal | Intent to Award of Contract Supportive Docs :1. |
6 | ले. बि. के. भ. शा. २०८०/८१-०१ | सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना | केन्द्रीय भण्डार शाखा | सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना Supportive Docs :1. Notice |
7 | NEA-SSEMD-2080/81-SQ-KG-04 | सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना | Social Safeguard and Environment Management Department | ABC Trade & Suppliers, Balaju Kathmandu Supportive Docs :1. Notice |
8 | NEA-SSEMD- 2080/81-SQ-HB-03 | सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना | Social Safeguard and Environment Management Department | सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना Supportive Docs :1. Notice |
9 | RFP No: EGMP-1/2080/81 | Selection of Consulting Services | Social Safeguard and Environment Management Department | Notification of Intention to Accept the Proposal Supportive Docs :1. Intention to Accept the Proposal |
10 | सवारी चालक र कार्यालय सहयोगीहरु आपूर्ति | सवारी चालक र कार्यालय सहयोगीहरु आपूर्ति | नेपाल वितरण प्रणाली स्तरोन्नती तथा विस्तार आयोजना (ई. आई. बि) | बोलपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना Supportive Docs :1. LOI |
11 | EGMP-1/2080/81 | Selection of Consultiong Services | Social Safeguard and Environment Management Department | Notice for Financial Proposal Opening Supportive Docs :1. Notice for Financial Proposal Opening |
12 | ICB-DCSD-2079/80-DSUEP-EIB-W5 | Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing and commissioning of Distributed System Network | Rudranee Infrastructure Ltd A-9, Industrial Co-oprative Society, MIDC Area, Railway Station, Aurangabad 431 005 (MS), India | LOI Supportive Docs :1. LOI |
13 | ICB-DCSD-2080/81-DSUEP-EIB-W6 | Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing and commissioning of 132/33 kV substation in Bajhang District | Distributed and Consumer Services Directorate | Notice of Financial Opening Supportive Docs :1. Notice Of Financial Opening |
14 | GDD-PSC-UTDSIP-079/80 | Execution of the Detail Design and Construction Supervision of Urban Transmission and Distribution System Improvement Project in Nepal | Urban Transmission and Distribution System | Issuance of Letter of Intent to Award the Contract for Conultants Services Supportive Docs :1. LOI |
15 | OCB PMD/EGMPAF/CPCUGTLP-079/80-02 | Design supply installation and commissioning of underground transmission line from chobhar substation to new patan substation | Chobhar Patan Chapagaun 132 kV Underground Transmission Line Project | Notice of Intention for Award of Contract Supportive Docs :1. Notice of Intention for Award of Contract |
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