Award of Contract
S.N. | Tender No | Tender Name | Awarded to | Contract Amount | Remarks |
1 | ICB-SEPP-EPC-SOLAR-01/2024-KfW-BMZ-PN511010 | Promotion of Solar Energy in Rural and Semi-urban Regions II Project | Prozeal Green Energy Limited, India | Euro 3,429,975.31 / Nrs. 121,170,182.63 | Distribution and consumer services Directorate Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Award |
2 | NEA/PMD/NBLTL/NCB/VEH-02 | Supply and Delivery of Four-Wheel Drive Pick-Up Vehicle | M/S Agni Incorporated Pvt. Ltd. Panipokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal | NPR. 48,40,000.00 (Including VAT) | Notification of Award Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Award |
3 | . | Tree Enumeration works, Revised initial Environmental Examination (IEE), obtaining tree cutting permission, and forest land usage Approval for the New Butwal- Lamahi 400kV Transmission Line Project | M/S NEA Engineering Company Limited, Chakupat, Lalitpur, Nepal | Nrs. 4,39,56,080.53 | Letter Of Acceptance Supportive Docs :1. Letter Of Acceptance |
4 | NEA-BPICP-SQ-01/2080/81 | Procurement of total station with complete set | Survey House Enterprises, New Baneshwor | NPR. 9,32,250.00 | Notification of Contract Agreement between Building and Physical Infrastructure Construction Project (BPICP) and Survey House Enterprises, New Baneshwor Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Contract Agreement |
5 | EGMP-1/2080/81 | Notification of Award of ProPosal | SILT Consultants (P.) Ltd, Manakamana Development Studies Pvt. Ltd and Green Globe International Pvt. ltd.JV | NRs 46,930,000.00 (Forty six million nine hrundred thirty thousand only.) | Selection of Consulting Services for; Social Safeguards Monitoring and Environment Safeguards Monitoring Works of EGMP and EGMP-AF Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Award of ProPosal |
6 | NEA/PMD/SASEC(Additional)/KSEP-01 | Consulting Services of the International Individual Solar with BESS consultant through a consulting entity under the Additional Financing on SASEC Power System Expansion Project | Vikram Shenoy (Khatib & Alami Engineering Consultants Private Limited, India) | US $248,215.00 and Nrs. 19,00,000.00 | Notification of Intention to Award the Contract Supportive Docs :1. Notice for selection of consulting services |
7 | NEA-SSEMD-2080/81-SQ-KG-02 | Supply and Delivery of Construction Materials, Office & Machinery Equipment | ABC Traders and Suppliers, Balaju Kathmandu | 0.00 | Notification of Sealed Quotation Award Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Sealed Quotation Award |
8 | ICB-DCSD-2080/81-DSUEP-EIB-W6 | Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing and commissioning of 132/33 kV substation in Bajhang District | Telmos Electronics Hissar, Haryana, India | USD 1,265,125.58 + NPR 56,874,154.68 (excluding VAT and Taxes) | Notification of Intention to Award the Contract Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Intention to Award the Contract |
9 | NEA/PMD/NBTL/SQ-2080/81-03(RE) | Procurement of Motorcycle | M/S M.A.W Enterprises Pvt Ltd Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal | NRS. 7,04,424.76 (Excluding VAT) | Notification of Award of Contract Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Award of Contract |
10 | NEA/PMD/NBLTL/CIV-1 | Supply, Delivery and Installation of Furniture and MIscellaneous Items at Lamahi and Motipur Site Offices | M/S Sunshine Interior Madhyapur Thimi-1, Bhaktapur | NRS. 12,87,000.00 (Excluding VAT) | Notification of Award of Contract Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Award of Contract |
11 | PMD/SASEC(Additional)/KSEP-079/80-01 | Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Operation & Maintenance support of (AC) Solar PV Power Lants with Battery, Energy Storage System | Consortium of Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology Co Ltd and Zhongtian Photovoltaic Technology Co Ltd | 54,53,49,840.04 NPR | Notification of Award of Contract Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Award of Contract |
12 | PMD/EGMPAF/CPCUGTLP-079/80-01 | Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New Patan 132/66/11 kV GIS Substation (Package A1.2) | TBEA Co. Ltd No 189, South Beijing Road, Changji, Xinjiang, Peoples Republic of China | CNY 78,435,861.53 and NRs 327,535,042.68 | Notice of Intention of Award Supportive Docs :1. Notice of Intention of Award |
13 | NEA/PMD/NBLTL/NCB/EQP-01 | Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Office Equipment for New Butwal Lamahi 400 kV TLP | M/S Hool Traders, Kalikasthan, Kathmandu, Nepal | NRS. 7,347,000.00 | Intention to Award of Contract Supportive Docs :1. Intention of Award of Contract |
14 | NCB/GS132KV/2078-79/01(Re) | Procurement of Design, Supply, Construction, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Godak Soyak 132kV Transmission Line (NCB No.: NCB/GS132KV/2078-79/01(Re)) | Vector - Triple S JV, Kupandole-10, Lalitpur | Nrs. 150,492,108.00 | Notification of Intention to Award the Contract Supportive Docs :1. Notification of Intention to Award the Contract |
15 | ICB-DCSD-2078/79-DSUEP-AIIB-W4 | Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necesszlry installation services including design, erection, testing, and commissioning of 33111 kV Substations and 33 kV, 11 kV, 400 V Lines and Distribution System Network in | CEPL-SPR.TUNDI IV Shantibasti, Sanepa-03, Ring Road, Lalitpur, Nepal | usD 15,418,490.37 + NPR 1,031,224,887.14 (excluding Custom duty and VAT) | Contract Award Notification Supportive Docs :1. Contract Award Notification |

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