Award of Contract
S.N. Tender No Tender Name Awarded to Contract Amount Remarks
16 ICB-DSCD-2078/79-DSUEP-AIIB-W5 Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing and commissioning of 33/11 kV Substations and 33 kV, 11 kV, 400 V Lines, and Distribution System Network – Pa M/s CEPL-SPR-TUNDI JV Shantibasti Sanepa-03, Ring Road Lalitpur, Nepal USD 15,321,979.25 + NPR 1,003,706,547.06

Contract Award Notification

Supportive Docs :
1. Contract Award Notification
17 ICB-DCSD-2078/79-DSUEP-AIIB-W1 Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing, and commissioning of 33lll kV Substations and 33 kV, 11 kV, 400 V Lines and Distribution Transformers with a M/s JK Electric-PrabhaTundi JV Shantibasti, Sanepa-03, Ring Road, Lalitpur, Nepal usD 7,786,913.23 + NPR 467,304,027.62 (excluding Custom duty and VAT)

Contract Award Notification

Supportive Docs :
1. Contract Award Notification
18 RFP No.: PMC-EGMP AF-077/78 Selection of Project Management Consultant for Supervision of Implementations of ERP and RMS at Nepal Electricity Authority Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP, 7th Floor, Building 10, Tower B DLF Cyber City Complex DLF City Phase II Gurgaon 122002, Haryana, India USD 632,275.00 and NPR 7,569,120

Award Of Contract

Supportive Docs :
1. Award of Contract
19 PMD/PTDEEP/ASCP/2079/80-01 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Amlekhgunj 132/66/11 kV GIS Substation TBEA Co. Limited No. 189, South Beijing Road, Changji, Xinjiang, China CNY 75,111,926.42 and NPR 241,077,814.13

Letter Of Intent

Supportive Docs :
1. Letter Of Intent
20 P000086; Loan No.: L0086A-NPL; Contract Reference No.: DSUEP-CS1 Project Supervision Consultant (PSC) for assisting Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of NEA in supervising the contracts for Nepal Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project (AIIB) WAPCOS Limited USD 695,300.00 and NPR 76,765,587.50 exclusive of applicable VAT

Contracts Award Notice

Supportive Docs :
1. Contracts Award Notice
21 ICB-DCSD-207 8/79-DSUEP-AIIB-W6 Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing, and commissioning of 33111 kV Substations and 33 kV, 11 kV, 400 V Lines and Distribution System Network in M IWs KRYFS-ZNCC JV 9ft Street, Karte Say,Kabul, Afghanistan usD 16,147,998.65 + NPR 862,485,511.10 (excluding Custom duty and VAT)

Contract Award Notification

Supportive Docs :
1. Contract Award Notification
22 ICB-DCSD-2078/79-DSUEP-EIB-W4 Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing, and commissioning of 33/11 kV Substations and 33 kV, 11 kV, 400 V Lines and Distribution System Network – Pa Salasar Techno Engineering Limited (Lead Partner) and Marshal Enterprises Joint venture KL-46, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad - 201002, India USD 1,410,304.83 + NPR 42,752,508.77

Notice of Intention of Award

Supportive Docs :
1. Notice of Intention of Award
23 ICB-DCSD-2078/79-DSUEP-AIIB-W6 Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing and commissioning of 33/11 kV Substations and 33 kV, 11 kV, 400 V Lines, and Distribution System Network M/s KRYFS Power Components Ltd USD 16,147,998.65 and NPR 862,485,511.10 excluding custom duties and VAT

Notification of Intention of Award of Contract

Supportive Docs :
1. Notification of Intention of Award of Contract
24 ICB-DCSD-2078/79-DSUEP-EIB-W3 Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing and commissioning of 33/11 kV Substations and 33 kV, 11 kV and 400 V Lines and Distribution System Network Absolute Projects (India) Limited 4222, Laxmi Kunj (First Floor) 1, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110006, India USD 14,250,828.79 + NPR 851,128,465.27

Notice of Intention of Award

Supportive Docs :
1. Notice of Intention of Award
25 ICB/FD/EGMPAF/RMS078/79-02 Supply and Installation of Revenue Management System (RMS) Longshine Technology Group Co. Ltd, China Floor 10 and 11, Unit B. Cygnus Block, Wuxi Software Park IV, No. 90, Jinghui East Rd., Wuxi New District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China US $ 9,867,000.00 & NRs 15,981,000.00 (excluding all custom duties and VAT)

Notice of Intention of Award

Supportive Docs :
1. Notice of Intention of Award
26 PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ghorahi - Khungri (Madichaur) 132 kV Transmission Line and Associated Substations at Khungri and Ghorahi KEC International Limited. RPG House, 463, 1st Floor, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400030, India. USD 7,994,106.43 &; NPR 901,049,601.79

Notification of Intention of Award

Supportive Docs :
1. Notification of Intention of Award of Contract
27 PMD/EGMP/GSAPP2/- 078/79-01 Design, Supply, Installation, Integration, Testing and Commissioning of Substation Automation System (SAS) for existing Grid substation of Six Grid Division offices across Nepal GE T&D India Limited T5&T6, Plot l-14, Axis House, Jaypee Wishtown Sector 128, Noida -2A13A4, UP, India INR 1,480,029,278.00 & NRs 439,033,110.00 (excluding applicable custom duties and value- added tax).

LOI for Award

Supportive Docs :
1. LOI for Award
28 PMD/PTDSSP/KVTCRPII-078/79-01 Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 132kV underground line from Bhaktapur Substation to Thimi Substation and Bay addition works at Bhaktapur Substation (Package A1.2) KEC International Limited RPG House, 463,, Dr Annie Basant Road, Worli, Mumbai 40030, India US $ 5,993,211.67 & NRs 95,298,609.40

Notice of Intention Of Award

Supportive Docs :
1. Notice of Intention of Award
29 ICB-DCSD-2078/79-DSUEP-AIIB-W2 Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing and commissioning of 33/11 kV Substations and 33 kV, 11 kV, 400 V Lines and Distribution System Network in Ba M/s Waiba Infratech Pvt Ltd USD 7,085,430.19 + NPR 294,116,513.57

Contract Award Notification

Supportive Docs :
1. Contract Award Notification
30 RFP-EIB/DSUEP-077/78-01 Procurement of Project Supervision Consultant Power Grid Corporation of India, India USD 341,306.00 + NPR 42,625,100.00 (Excluding VAT)

Notification of Intention to Award of Contract

Supportive Docs :
1. Notice of Intention of Award
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