Publications / Reports
सामाजिक प्रभाव मुल्याङ्कन (SIA) ¬प्रतिवेदन


सामाजिक प्रभाव मुल्याङ्कन (SIA) ¬प्रतिवेदन

पुनर्रवास कार्य योजना (RAP) प्रतिवेदन


पुनर्रवास कार्य योजना (RAP) प्रतिवेदनको शारंस

जोखीम समुदाय विकाश योजना (VCDP) प्रतिवेदन


जोखीम समुदाय विकाश योजना (VCDP) प्रतिवेदनको शारंस

Vidyut Halfyearly Year 24 Issue1


Vidyut Halfyearly Year 24 Issue1

RAP and SIA for Bharatapur Bardaghat 220 KV Transmission Line Project


RAP and SIA for Bharatapur Bardaghat 220 KV Transmission Line Project

A year in a review fiscal year 2012/13


A year in a review fiscal year 2012/13

Generation, Operation & Maintenance Review, 9th Issue


Generation Operation and Maintenance (GO&M) Business is responsible for the optimum operation and maintenance of the seventeen (17) hydropower stations and two (2) thermal power plants owned by NEA, 'Generation of energy by optimally utilizing the resources available while undertaking periodic overhauling, major maintenance works and rehabilitation projects of the generating stations'; that approximately describes the mission of the GO&M Business Group

विद्युत अर्धवार्षिक पत्रिका वर्ष २३ अंक २ २०६९ फाल्गुन


विद्युत अर्धवार्षिक पत्रिका वर्ष २३ अंक २ २०६९ फाल्गुन

ABBREVIATED RESETILEMENT ACTION PLAN of Khimti‐Dhalkebar 220 kV Transmission Line Project


To evacuate the power generated from the various planed and proposed hydropower projects in the north eastern part of Nepal and to feed the eastern load centers in view of future system development plan; a 73 km long, double circuit, 220 kV Transmission Line Project has been proposed. The proposed transmission line will start from Khimti of Dolakha District and ends to Dhalkabar of Dhanusa District. The proposed transmission line alignment traverse through the Dolakha, Ramechhap, Sindhuli, Mahotari and Dhanusa districts of Eastern Development Region.

Social Impact Assessment of Khimti- Dhalkebar 220 kV Transmission Line Project


The total installed capacity of the Integrated Nepal Power System (INPS) is approximately 585 MW. To meet present increasing demand of power generation the existing capacity of the transmission needs to be upgraded or new transmission line should be constructed. The Power Development Projects, of which Khimti-Dhalkebar 220 kV project is a component, financed by World Bank aims to meet the objectives of HMG/N in extending access to electricity supply to a larger percentage of the population by supporting the development of Nepal’s power sector.

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